So, there I was, five hours to go with a newsletter deadline looming with nothing to say. Needless to say, the pressure of performing didn’t make the process any easier so it became a self-fulfilling prophecy: an ever-tightening downward spiral.
So, I stopped.
In that moment, one realisation came to me: the pressure I was putting myself under was of my own creation. I was the one who’d decided to set a deadline of 1st of the month to create my THG newsletter, so surely, I could also be the one to change it?
Like Captain Kirk in the 2009 Star Trek, sometimes, to beat the unbeatable game, one must change the rules of play.
So, by deciding to change the parameters of my self-inflicted prison, I realised there was no pressure after all – at least not one I wasn’t able to change the rules of – and it enabled me to lift the downward spiral of doom and release my creative spirit. Which in turn enabled me to be on time after all.
I understand it’s not always possible to change the rules of life’s games, but if one really examines the parameters of what we put ourselves under in life, we’ll usually find wriggle room to allow ourselves more space to complete a seemingly incompletable task.
Pressure, of course, can be a useful tool to push us into making decisions – especially if we’re serial procrastinators – but when it stifles the creative process, it can have the opposite effect. So maybe in those moments, like me, you’ll consider following the footsteps of the great pilot of the skies and boldly go where no man has gone before.
Right, peeps, before I do a quick run through this month’s delights, I want to remind you of our annual – and completely awesome – Winter exhibition and street party. As every year, it kicks off on 28th December at 6pm and this year’s theme is ‘Gerrans Bay’. So we’ll have two paintings each by six artists to make your mouth water.
Most of all, though, this event has been a great celebration and a personal thank-you to everyone who has supported us this year to make it, once again, another record year of sales. So hope you can make it!
As for new work, let’s kick off with the Tamworth Tiger, Robin Mason, who added this scrummy Portscatho scene to his awesome collection. Pencabe never looked so good! And just as we thought we’d lost Mary Allen to Scotland, she comes back with this beautifully calming newbie.
It’s always a red letter day when our resident watercolourist, John Hopkins sends down a new work to replace his many sales and what a corker it is, too! And Imogen Bone‘s popularity clearly hasn’t wavered. Of the three new works she bought in last week, one has sold already, so best be quick, folks.
Claire Henley surpassed even herself with two gorgeous St Mawes scenes of the harbour. Would make a cracking pair, don’t ya think? And the inimitable Mike Hindle came over with three new canvas oils. A departure from his Gouache work, they’ve been extremely popular, so check those out when you get a mo.
And Jill Hudson has added 5… yes FIVE new works to her page. A couple of her delightful still lifes too, so enjoy them whist we have them! And everyone’s favourite impastoist, Ben Taffinder added three utterly mesmerising scenes to his collection, including this mouthwatering still life.
So there it is. We do have four new Lucy Davies‘ on the easel right now and they should be added in the next couple of days, so here’s a teaser of those, and there’s more planned to be added before Christmas so if you’d like something for your loved one this year (or even yourself) if you let us know before 17th, we’ll do our best to get it to you on time.
For now, if I don’t see you, have an amazing Christmas and New Year and looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Caio for now!
Mark David Hatwood FRSA
November 2021