July 2015
After being quite taken back recently by an unnecessarily harsh critique on social media of one of my artist’s works, it started to dawn on me how maybe our skills of contemplation are being lost because of the urgency of communication these days.A very wise friend of mine once suggested that if I had something negative to write, to lay it out, then sleep on it. Then in the morning, reread before sending. I still hold that as one of the most precious pieces of advice I’ve ever been given.
With the immediacy of social media and emails these days, I feel we’re at risk of losing that art of contemplation. Like this person who just wrote what was on their mind about that artwork at that moment without a thought for the person who created it: someone who has spent hours working on their passion and years on their craft, only to be doused by one careless outburst of un-contemplated thought.
My belief in humanity hopes that that person didn’t think as far as to the consequences of their words, but as we’re becoming a generation of instant outpourings, I wonder if we’re at risk of losing the skill of contemplation in communication; something that would have taken much more care and forethought back in the days of hand-written letters.
My newsletters fall into that category. I write a brief outline of what’s been on my mind and then hone its message and tone over many sittings (you really don’t want to read the first version of this one! ;0-).
Being a writer, I enjoy the process of honing what I write so the words have the right tone and meaning. With over a million words at our disposal, many of us may only use less than 1%, but even with that small number, wouldn’t it be wondrous is we chose to use words of empowerment over thoughtlessness?
Right, before I tell you about all the delicious delights this month, I want to start by introducing you to Morag Lloyds; THG’s newest recruit. A lovely lady from Scotland, no less, she agreed to join us and we’re just delighted to have her on board. You can see her first collection for us here.
So where to start with the newbies? Nearly all our artists have bought in some magnificent works, so let’s work though those delights alphabetically, eh?
Those lovely Allen girls, Mary Allen and Rachael Mia Allen have both been supplying us with gems recently. Rachael’s stunning new piece (attached here) I doubt will last the week and Mary’s four newbies have already had drooling admirers, so you can see those for yourself on their respective pages!
Ann Kelly popped in with two new pieces mid-month – they’re up on her page already. And I bet Claire Henley’s beauty of Tatam’s beach cafe will be gone before I can say cappuccino! (Prints of both that, and her Hidden Hut pieces, are available online here.)
Claire is in the Fisherman’s Shelter from 24th to 26th July, right after the über popular Mike Hindle. Mike will be there from the 17th – 19th July with his incredible Gouache work, so come on down to Portscatho and check those out, folks!
Jill Hudson swept me off my feet with this stunning painting of a pilot cutter being forced into St Mawes harbour. Just incredible and I expect that’ll move as fast at the cutter did in the original photo, generously shared for her to use by Mary Alice Pollard.
That cheeky Robin Mason’s working on a new collection for us as I write and so is the mighty Ilric Shetland after we’ve sold out of nearly all his magnificent seascapes just this month. Those two’ve been hot, Hot HOT! this month.
Hilary Stock has yet another new piece, this time of lichen, which is just awesome! That’ll be in very soon along with works from our two big guns, Ben Taffinder and Andrew Tozer. They’ve both overshot even their own incredible quality recently (if at all possible) with some just outstanding collections. Early bird gets the work, so check ‘em out real quick!
Lastly, I implore you to visit Chris Wootton’s page. He’s created what I think is the most exciting eco-artworks we’ve ever had. This stunning idea of using old pallet wood to replicate the beautiful contour lines of an ordinance survey map, making them 3D, is just sublime.
So if you’d like a personalised map or your choosing of anywhere in the UK, we can now get Chris to create bespoke ones, just for you. Really! This is so very exciting and such a unique gift, either for yourself or for a friend.
So there is it, you lovelies! Have a wonderful July and, wherever you are, I hope it’s relaxing, fun, and full of joy.
June 2015
My usual up-beat, positive outlook was somewhat marred last month when a rare and inexplicable blanket of sadness washed over me during a beach walk. Like many of us, I imagine, finding it an unpleasant experience, I first searched for a way to overcome it. And when that failed, I searched for a reason for it being there in the hope of reasoning with myself… nothing.
We live in a rich, On-Demand world where advertisers sell happiness as the only true ‘normal’ state to be in, and so along with that sadness came a feeling of inadequacy; as if something was ‘wrong’ with me… read more.