Relaxing truly is an art form, one which I’m clearly a novice at, at best. Here I am, writing this from my poolside lounger in Madeira and I’m still… well… writing this instead of relaxing.
Like yoga or meditation, relaxation not only takes time to learn, but needs the commitment to uphold in the long term. I used to be far better at it: that much I do know, but it’s an art form I’m truly intending to master.
I feel very blessed to have had Deborah and, newly, Joanna to take the day-to-day pressures off running what has become an astonishingly fruitful enterprise and I’m forever grateful at how generous you’ve all been to support us in this, a most extraordinary but successful year. It hasn’t been without its work, though, and it’s only now that I realise how much that workload has taken its toll.
I still find myself checking emails and social media feeds every 10 minutes but I’m trying to stretch it out to 15, then 20 every day. I guess this is the way to push oneself: gently extend the urge rather then go full blown cold-turkey from one moment to the next.
Work can be an addiction, I know. But one I’m determined to overcome. I’ve even booked a holiday in November with three days in a hut in the Californian woods with no phone signal and Wi-fi (wish me luck with that!).
So, for those that have conquered it: I salute you. For those who never had it: well done, you’ve missed little. For those who are in it: please try to follow my lead. Even if work is as fun as mine is, if you find it hard to drag yourself away: it’s an addiction. And anything that controls us, needs to come under our control. Good luck!
OK, loads to get through so let me first introduce you to THG’s newest star, Roz Andain. Roz grew up a stone’s throw from the gallery in Gerrans. She left to undertake a foundation in fine art but clearly left her heart on the Roseland as her fabulous artwork conveys so wonderfully. I know you’re gonna love this first, small collection she’s done for you, so welcome, Roz!
Kicking off the new works is the inimitable Ben Taffinder whose exhibition starts on June 25th right here in the gallery. I hope you’ll put that date in your diary which, as usual, starts with a drinks evening from 6pm followed by a week’s hanging of his incredible collection in-house. I’ll send a reminder a day before so you’ll get first dibs… promise!

Claire Henley sent in a few new works this month but they sold within minutes. However there’re still more on her page to delight in. And last month’s new recruit, Joe Webster added to his collection n’all, with four fabulous new online-only exclusives. Totes gorge!
Mike Hindle smashed it out the ballpark with this new style. We just have two of these, but, boy, are they goodly! And Imogen Bone piled on the fabulousness with a brand new collection to drool over. Quite sublime, the lot of ’em!
John Hopkins surpassed even his own excellency with this cracking watercolour of a Falmouth fishing trawler and Julian Mason has been down for the last fortnight painting for us… and what a job he’s done. So many beauties it’s hard to choose my favourite! I hope you have more luck.
Our wildlife artist, Julie Brunn has delivered a wonderful collection of cuties for ya. From cows to donkeys, if you’re an animal lover, look no further. And I’d love to celebrate Lucy Davies‘ new collection with you, but they’re nearly all gone. Still a couple here, though and she’s painting for us as I write, so keep yer eyes peeled on our social media feeds and website for those!
Penny German‘s exhibition was extraordinary and she sold a huge chunk of the work on display, but we do have a couple more on the website and in-house if you’re passing. And if you love Peter Wileman‘s incredible work as much as I do, this stunning new sunrise over Portscatho harbour is going to blow you away. It did me when it popped in me inbox!
And to finish off this month of phenomenal work, Stephen Higton has been painting as fast as he’s been selling, so we have some new work just in for you to enjoy. We should have new work from many artists very soon including Andrew Allanson, Jamel Akib and Tom Shepherd so do check in to our social media feeds or website occasionally for updates.
Thank you sooooooo much again for making this another record-breaking year for THG. Your generosity and support throughout what could have been a challenging year is enough to warm the cockles of an ageing (I’m 60 this month ;0-) gallerist’s heart, so thank you for everything.
Stay safe and here’s to a fabulous summer for us all.
Mark David Hatwood FRSA
May 2021
One of the hardest parts of my job is having to send rejection letters to artists wanting to work with us. A downside of having a high profile, especially online, is the volume of requests I get from upcoming artists looking for representation.
Having been in the music industry for so many years, I’m only too aware of how hard it is to being declined after putting so much work and passion into something you’ve created. It’s the reason I make sure I send artists an upbeat reply and quickly, so as not to suspend their expectations too long... read more