I’m sadly rarely surprised these days when I hear about someone feeling they’re less than perfect; especially the young. With the rise of social media and blogs (not to mention the sparklingly perfect advertising models selling us truck loads of products) it’s hardly surprising we compare ourselves to those seemingly wonderful lifestyles.
I could even be accused of it myself: living in Cornwall and running a successful gallery with a beautiful rock-star florist wife. I doesn’t surprise me when people feel I ‘have it made’. But I want to burst that bubble. Not because my life isn’t incredibly rewarding, but because, like us all, I have days being down and I grump around feeling sorry for myself, my pains, and ageing features.
We all live lives of ups and downs, no matter how hard advertisers try to sell us ‘achievable’ lives that are otherwise. We all have great days and bad days; it’s completely natural. No one is totally living the dream all of the time.
I make my living selling imperfect interpretations of reality, but it’s exactly because they’re imperfect that that hold intense beauty for the beholder. People find perfection uninteresting and dull. They want to see character and that only comes from imperfection.
I truly hope next time you compare yourself, or your life to another’s, you’ll instead revel in the prefect imperfection that you are. Our character ‘flaws’ are what make us who we are. Despite what advertisers or blogs try to compare us to, remain bold and beautifully imperfect… like our artist’s work, your admirers love you that way!
Okey Kokey, let’s get cracking with all the new stuff shall we? To kick off with, there are just a few spaces left at Jenny Aitken’s Demonstration before her Fisherman’s Shelter exhibition in July. So if you fancy a couple of hours chatting to Jenny as she shows you how she creates her magic, this is a workshop for you! It’s on 26th July from 11am – 1pm and you can buy tickets and get more info here.
And talking of exhibitors, we have three for you this month. The first is the incredible Imogen Bone starts on Friday 19th at 6pm for drinks. She’ll then be in the shelter from 11am – 4pm both Saturday and Sunday. Additionally Imogen will be holding a popup exhibition at Hotel Tresanton on 22nd July at the same times.
The following weekend, Jenny will be doing her shelter exhibition starting at 6pm on Friday 26th and running over the weekend like Imogen’s. Gonna a be a great couple of weekend, so hope you can make one of them and the works will all go live on the artist’s respective pages for our readers the day before, so you can nab your fav early!
So what’s new in the painterly sweet shop this month? I’m totally delighted to announce the arrival of 5… yes FIVE brand new Peter Wileman‘s. This world-class painter has blessed us with some cracking work so get over there asap if you’re a fan so as not to miss out!
Stephen ‘The Hig’ Higton has sent in some new works, too. That fella never fails to astound the Gods with his work and some sold as quickly as they were posted, so get yer shimmy on, folks!
The inimitable Ben Taffinder brought in EIGHT newbies just the other day and sadly 3 have already sold. What’s new, eh? Anyway, there’re still 4 sublime works and hopefully more on their way soonest. Impasto don’t get any more special than this!
Both Ann Kelly and Andrew Allanson made their pilgrimage here to paint for us last week and bought in more mind-bogglingly good pieces. You can see what’s left of those (yes, some sold in minutes too) on their respective pages.
We had this beauty in from Angela Uren last week as well. Such wonderful colours, I suspect this one’ll fly… and who doesn’t love a drop of bluebells, eh?
The cuddly Claire Henley delivered four new works which sold almost overnight. But there’s more on the way including this beauty, which was put on the website only the other day, so…
And to finish off, on Saturday the energetic Mike Hindle popped in and delivered this biggie. He’ll be painting more for us in August so mark the date in yer diaries, folks!
Thanks so very much for making June yet another record month. Debs and I are cock-a-hoop about how you support us and if we can help with anything else or if you fancy a commission from your favourite artist, just holler! Let’s keep those artists’ brushes wet, eh? ;0-)
Auf wiedersehen, pets!
Mark David Hatwood FRSA
June 2019
I was sitting enjoying a quiet lull in my beautiful garden the other day, watching the bees buzz from petal to petal and for a moment, I saw what I thought was a design flaw. Most plants are totally reliant on outside help to pollinate them and it seemed to me that in all their millennia of adaptation, this was an oversight. That was until I realised its ingenuity… read more.