June 2020

I was chatting with a learned friend the other day who has decided to rethink her business model and I suggested sharing her knowledge in some online webinars. She said that the more she learns, the more one realises how little she knows, and I think that’s true for most intelligent people.

My rebuttal, though was that everyone’s trying to climb a ladder and even if you don’t feel you ‘know it all’, you may know more than the next person. So, sharing one’s knowledge helps another to step up that ladder faster, which in turn helps us all.

The free webinars I decided to give about my bestselling Amazon book for artists was given under this ideal. If we impart the little knowledge we have, whether for recompense or not, we allow society to grow, which, in turn, gives back to ourselves.

There are many times in life I have learned from someone who I had previously given my own insights to and I think that is true of most people if you stay open enough. We cannot know everything and with a new brain on any subject, comes a new and exciting perspective and thinking.

An analogy I like to use is:
A rising tide lifts all boats. In truth, the capitalist society has flourished on that premise as has my fellowship, the RSA. So I hope my learned friend will choose to give what little she believes she knows, to help those yet to learn those lessons.

As much as in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, a true leader will realise they have much to learn from their followers. And, just maybe, one of those followers will become the next, wiser king, thanks to those teachings. Lord knows, we need it more today than ever.
We’ll be going live at 6pm on Zoom. All you need do is
click here from 5.45pm tonight to reserve your place and at 6pm sharp, Deborah and I will take you for a virtual tour of Ben’s incredible collection.

As for new work this month, well, once again, it’s been going out as fast as it’s come in, so thank you. But we still have some newbies kicking off withe the fab
Hilary Stock. She’s created an entirely new collection of Tryptic works in time for her July exhibition as well as a new one to iconic 9 block collection. Check ’em all out here.
Claire Henley added a superb new piece to her collection…and it’s of Portscatho, you beauty!
Jenny Aitken‘s sell out exhibition in May was appended by one or two new works, so check them out before they sell, too!
The Hig enjoyed some wonderful sales during his exhibition last week, but there’re still some astonishing pieces available from
Stephen Higton on his page.. you lucky people, you!

The TV star,
Hester Berry (she was featured on Spotlight the other week) added three mindbogglingly good paintings to her page at the beginning of May as did
Jill Hudson with paintings of the Carrick Roads… sublime!
It’s a red-letter day when a rare
Ilric Shetland Seascape comes in, but not only that, we have an exceptionally rare landscape… and boy is it good! Gotta check this out in glorious superzoom here.
Julian Mason has send down 3 lipsmacking seascapes to add to his collection and even though
Lucy Davies‘ work have sold as quickly as they’ve come in, she has a beautiful painting of Eden flowers to be snapped up if you’re quick enough.
Lastly, that cloud-master,
Philip Tyler has added to superb new works rto his page and we’ll have some new work on their way soon from
Jenny Aitken &
Penny German, amongst others, so do keep your eyes peeled.

Finally, I have decided to not open the physical gallery until the lockdown has been eased, allowing holidaymakers to come to Cornwall officially, which looks like early July now. So I will continue with our daily offers until then and so looking forward to seeing you!
I hope you’ve been enjoying them and if you aren’t getting them (especially outlook & BT email addresses) sincere apologies. It’s an issue with the sender. They will be on your server’s spam folder, but sadly blocked from being sent though to your local inbox, I suspect. If you contact me, I’ll try and find a way to get them to you.
Have a wonderful June and please stay safe.
May 2020
I was recently moved to tears by the incredible actions of a clearly divided man. Anyone who saw C4’s excellent 24 Hours in A&E would have seen a very humble man who came in to A&E needing urgent treatment for a life-threatening ail.
As we watched, he narrated how he’d had had an exceptionally loving relationship with his former wife who, a few years later, contracted a harsh degenerative disease, crumbling their lives… read more