November 2020

I was reading recently about a revolutionary natural treatment for depression and even autism by a simple eye movement that activates the Vegus nerve: also about an astonishing successful form of no-dig farming that alleviates the need for pesticides and has transformed deserts into viable land whilst holding damaging greenhouse gasses in the soil that would escape through traditional ploughing.

Our understanding of both ourselves and our world has intensified over the last decades with the advancement of science, but it’s not the discoveries that are holding us back so much as our ability to change traditions.

I made a personal choice to follow a plant based diet having read what I considered overwhelming evidence of its benefits on our bodies and the environment, but for a single person to make a change is far easier than for industry.

We have so much time, money and tradition invested in farming, pharmaceuticals and any large industry that changing direction (even if we do believe what we’re changing for isn’t just a fad or hype) is hugely

difficult and costly, not to mention against the will of powerful lobbies. Nevertheless it is very doable. We have seen just how doable it is when you consider we are just weeks away from a vaccine for a virus that only appeared a year ago… something that would have traditionally taken decades to achieve.

I can’t help feeling that continuing to do things the way we have will only bring us to the same results. We need to consider change in all our endeavours if we are to transform the outcome of our traditional thinking. And if that change doesn’t come from our industries, maybe we should consider changing our personal behaviours to force that change upon them? To quote Henna Inam “To change behaviour, we have to act intentionally rather than from habit.”

OK, well, as I am writing this, Boris has announced his plan for the coming month. As such, I shall reinstate the daily offer emails from tomorrow. So many of you enjoyed them and, as they will be sent from a different server, as before, if you don’t wish to receive them, you can unsubscribe without unsubscribing from our monthly mails. We’ll be offering at least 15% off everything we offer, so I hope they continue to inspire and you enjoy them even if you’re not in the market for a purchase.

And on that note, our new book has been really well received. As such I shall have to order more, but if you’d like more than one copy for friends and family this Christmas (a nice stocking filler) if you order more than 5, we can offer them at just £7.50 per copy plus p+p, which is a saving of £1.45 a book). Just email me and I’ll make sure we’ll order enough for you.

So what is new to the site this month? The lovely Mary Allen replaced her recent sales with this astounding new painting. Ann Kelly came down for her usual Autumn visit and brought in 6, yes SIX gorgeous new works. A few have sold right away but do check out the others!

Her bestie, Andrew Allanson came with her and brought with him SEVEN astounding new works and some sculptures, too. And boy, are they popular, selling well already.

Robin Mason sent three corkers down the M5 and one of them went right back again to a new, loving home. And the Devon Duchess, Angela Uren has painted four sublime Portscatho landscapes for us. Divine!

After a flurry of sales, the awesome Philip Tyler sent us four powerful cloudscapes which are now on his page and The Hig stocked us up with four mind-boggling newbies, one of which sold within 24 hours. Check them out on Stephen Higton‘s page.

Lastly the scrummy Claire Henley graced her collection with a couple of local scenes and to finish off with the Roseland’s impasto prince, Ben Taffinder, added more to his page… paintings to charm the Gods, I tell ya!

So there it is. Please stay safe and do let me know if you don’t get the daily offers but want them, and I’ll try and make sure you’re on the list.

Toodle pip for now, cherubs!


Mark David Hatwood FRSA


October 2020

I had something taken from me the other day. For 24 hours I was quite taken aback and felt angry, deflated and used. It took a few hours of musing about my loss until I realised that the only thing that was damaged was my own ego.

In truth, we don’t ‘own’ anything, like we can’t own the air we breathe. We become custodians of something for period of time which is traditionally given to us or traded in exchange for our good ‘fortune’… read more

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